Hello friends.Continuing our series on BE YOUR OWN DOCTOR,today’s video is on the topic of back pain.Friends back pain has become a major concern.It happens to everyone be it a house wife or a person going to office.Nowadays it can also be seen in students who are putting hours of hard work.Friends I have discussed some treatments here which would really be helpful.
#BeYourOwnDoctor #DivineCare #Cervical
For buying the basic acupressure kit email your address details on:- reemagupta1124@gmail.com

To know more about the kit watch the video:-https://youtu.be/YeuLxEsUYkE

To watch the earlier sessions on Be Your Own Doctor watch this video:-https://youtu.be/1XR2ldBf70I

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Video Link:https://youtu.be/nRHQ5W-caaw
Email ID :- reemagupta1124@gmail.com

About: On our channel you’ll find health related tips to get rid from your day to day problems without any side effects.
